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6 Most Common Central Heating Problems and How to fix them

6 Most Common Central Heating Problems and How to fix them
We know how difficult it becomes when the central heating equipments of your home malfunctions. The chilled weather makes it extremely tough to live in such situations. While you can take help from Rapid Heat to get any malfunctions fixed properly and quickly, we thought of sharing 6 most common central heating problems and how to fix them.
  1. Blocked Pump:  This is the most common problem and thus finds the top spot in our list. As the system starts getting old dirt and metal particles from radiators and pipe flows from different components hence leading to block the pump.While power flush may lead to breakage of pipes or equipments, best way to fix such issue is to hot flush the system. Once it’s drained out, use magnetic filter to stop such issues.
  2. Leaking Pump: It is also one of the common issues to hear. That’s why this problem has found second it may happen because of blown seal, due to incorrect pressure. Wrong installation or pump working loose.If the parts from where leakage is happening are corroded then you need to fix a new pump. Check the joints. If water is leaking from it most probably leakage is due to seal issue which can be fixed easily.
  3. Pump not turning off:  This issue takes place due faulty electrical units. Although it’s not very common but is very risky. Due to such issues pump operates continuously which may lead to permanent damage. You can cure it by changing the electrical unit and getting it checked during annual check up.
  4. Low boiler pressure: There are multiple reasons why such issues take place with boilers. Water leak in the system, replacement of pressure relief valve and many more such reasons can lead to low boiler pressure. As we are discussing 6 most common central heating problems and how to fix them  by trying to re pressurizing the system you can find solution to it and if it doesn’t works contact Rapid Response and our certified engineers will make sure no such situation arise after the service.
  5. Noise from the system: This might happen due to air in the system or due to kettling. You can check such issues by checking the water pressure. Mostly such issues take place due to low water pressure or by taking measures to remove kittling from the system.
  6. Kettling: This issue takes place basically where the water is hard. Collection of lime scale and sludge bring issues. These restrict the flow of water inside the boiler. To get rid of such problems you need to flush out everything the system. This is mostly advisable to be done by experienced engineers.
Although we have discussed 6 most common central heating problems and how to fix them, theses will help you to get rid of the problem for some time but might not give you long term relief. If you are looking for permanent solution from problems of your boiler you can contact Rapid Response plumbing and heating and get the best and punctual services from our gas safety registered engineers.

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